This is Sam and Me. Sam just turned 11. He is a swell guy. The best thing about Sam is his giggly sense of humor. He is a very mellow fellow and he is just plain fun to have around. He is very good at putting things together. Last night he showed me and grandpa his Hot Wheels track - that he has no problem assembling. He also had an awesome KNex thingy assembled in his room. His mom says he routinely spends time working Legos. I think he's an engineer in the making. He's also an avid reader. Sam does very well in school and everyone likes Sam. Tenderhearted Sam is a wonderful brother to his 4 sisters.
Happy Birthday, Sam.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Sam n' Me
Posted by mastubz at 5:19 PM 3 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Stake Creche Festival
Our stake has been putting on a Christmas Creche Festival for at least 10 years. Over 600 nativity scenes are on display. Most are from members of the Church, but about 30% are from non-members in the community. It runs for 4 days and several musical groups from the community perform. I have displayed my collection each year and usually find one to add each year. This year I added a handmade, crocheted nativity from my daughter, Megan. Thanks Meg, it is beautiful.
Here are a couple photos of the whole cultural hall. They go to great lengths to decorate beautifully and create a lovely environment for the displays.
 Here's a photo of my nativities. The Boyd's Bears nativity is always a favorite, and it is the only one of its kind on display. My oldest nativity is an Olive Wood from the Holy Land. My brother brought it back from one of his visits to Israel. I've had it for at least 20 years (I think). I also have one from Spain and Ukrainian nesting dolls from Josh and Courtney's trip to Europe, the Philippines from Jared's mission, 2 from Ecuador from Micah's mission service, two from our trip to Alaska, one from Sarah's trip to New Zealand, a German Pyramid, a triptych, pottery from New Mexico, and several ornaments I did not display this year. I cherish each of these nativities, as each has special meaning to me. There are others in the photo which do not belong to me, but were in too close proximity to keep them out of the photo.
Posted by mastubz at 6:40 PM 4 comments
Thanskgiving 2008 Arizona
Emily and Aaron enjoyed lounging on the comfy sofa.
And we had a great time seeing all the lights at the Phoenix Zoo, while all the animals were tucked into bed. We could smell them, but we couldn't see them. The light show was amazingly entertaining.
I won't talk about the drive home on I-5. Suffice it to say the 12 hour drive took 18 hrs. The kids were real troopers. We would have stopped and got a motel, if it wasn't for dad having to work in the morning.
Posted by mastubz at 6:04 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Grandma & Grandpa Hawley
We had Grandma & Grandpa Hawley over for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner, since we will not be here to celebrate with them.
I've told them about blogs, but they didn't really get it, so I decided to show them. They had a great time viewing every one's blogs and seeing your current news. I also showed them the "comment" portion of blogging and they got a kick out of it. I asked them if they had anything they would like to include on this post and they said they would like to set the record straight about my behavior as a pre-schooler. They said if I was a bit too precocious, it was only because my brothers were mean to me. I told them I wasn't going to say that, but grandpa/dad made me promise.
They loved seeing a goodly portion of their great-grands, and wish all their grandchildren had blogs to look at.
They seem to be doing well, but have their good days and bad. All in all, they are doing well for an 88 & 89 yr old. They still go to church every Sunday, but don't always make it for the full block. Grandpa's legs are getting very weak and he has trouble walking. They both use walkers. Grandma is not nearly as sharp as she used to be, but still likes to know what is going on with people - even if you have to repeat it several times.
She got stuck in the bathroom at church today. It is too hard to explain how the stall doors got stuck, but she was in there a long time. Their previous bishop noticed her walker had been there outside the restroom for a long time, so he sent someone in to check on her. She said she was about ready to crawl under the stall door to get out. That would have been a sight!!
They send their love to all.
Posted by mastubz at 10:30 PM 7 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Prop 8 Backlash
It seems we have not heard the end of Prop 8. Even though Californians "again" voted to keep gay marriage out of the state, the opponents are not going to be satisfied. Now they want to boycott any who donated funds to the proposition. All names of donators are public information. We also read in the newspaper today that a suspicious white powder was received in an envelope at both the Los Angeles and SLC temples. Hazmat confirmed the powder was not toxic. It is shameful that those who work selflessly and without compensation at the temples have to fear for their safety.
Bud received the following letter in the mail at his office on Wednesday from a group called
To whom it may concern,
We are writing in regards to your company's support of California's Proposition 8. While we appreciate every citizens right to freedom of speech and freedom of belief, Proposition 8 singles out a group of people for discrimination. It undermines our basic freedoms.
As a result I am sure you will understand why, in these difficult economic times, we will be notifying the gay community of your opposition to our civil rights, and will be encouraging them to boycott your company. Seeing as you do not believe gay citizens to be equal, I am certain that you will find our money inferior too.
A Billings
The letter was postmarked from Los Angeles.
Any of Bud's patients who are gay would already know his position regarding Prop 8, as he had yard signs, flyers and door hangers available at his office. If they were offended, they did not say.
This group must obviously be identifying themselves with Lions, and using that as a metaphor to not kick a lion. How interesting they would choose this animal who is known as the King of the Jungle and lives with only females for the purpose of producing offspring. In no other animal species do we see homosexuality, (some my wish to debate this) other than humans.
The gay community will not rest until they feel they belong equally in the "marriage club." Even Elton John says they should be content with Civil Unions - that marriage is for heterosexuals. Some in the gay community think the post election tactics of angry gays are taking them back 20 years in their quest for equality.
It also looks like the argument will continue in the courts, and we may again lose the power of a majority vote. Just when you thought your vote counted for something!!! Arghhh!!!
Posted by mastubz at 6:18 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
YC Sikh Parade
Yes, it was time for the annual Sikh Parade in Yubaville. It is nothing like it was when we first moved here. The parade route is longer - from their temple on Tierra Buena Road, down to the stake center, around Civic Center and back to their temple. The influx of out of town Sikhs is huge - 80,000 attendees! The parade brings in millions in revenues from all the additional people. The parade route is lined with Ben Toilets, food vendors, and other vendors of Indian trinkets. It takes some maneuvering to get to the church from our home.
I am somewhat saddened by the many changes the local Sikh people have undergone, since we have lived here. I believe it is indicative of what we, as a people, face daily from the onslaught of worldly values. The Sikhs in our community used to adhere closely to their religion and family values. Now we see them embracing western ways. Very few Sikh men in our area continue to wear the turban. I would say only those men and women over 50 continue with the traditional dress. Of course, today at the parade, traditional dress was resplendently abundant. I think their culture in our society is falling prey to moral relativism - they are losing their family values, and religious values as they embrace western ways. Maybe I am feeling so strongly about this as we approach the vote on Prop 8, and the vote on who will lead our country for the next four years. Will Californians, and all Americans cave to what the minority deems is right? Have we become too afraid to stand for morality and integrity? Enough of my soapbox - here is a taste of the parade. It was a good excuse to cut out of Sunday School class :)
I apologize for video quality. We used our regular digital camera.
Posted by mastubz at 6:02 PM 4 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Dad/Bud's 8
I had to twist the guy's arm to give me some answers. I didn't twist too hard, since it was his birthday. I will forego the rules, since he refused to tag anyone else - "I don't have a blog, so why should I tag people."
8 favorite TV shows
1. Monday Night Football
2. Thursday Night Football
3. Friday Night Football
4. Saturday College Football
5. Amazing Race
7. Quantum Leap
8. Jag
8 Things I did yesterday
1. Showered
2. Shaved
3. Dressed
4. Read the paper
5. Ate
6. Went to Stake Conference and wrestled with the redheads.
7. Had dinner with Lyons and Runyans
8. Blew out candles on my cake
8 Things I look forward to
1. Taking off my shoes
2. A vacation
3. Going to bed
4. Working in the temple
5. Going on a mission
6. Spring
7. Fall
8. Next Family Reunion
8 Favorite Restaurants
Red Robin
Costa Vida
Casa Lupe
In & Out
Claim Jumper
Marie Callendar's
El Torito
8 Things on my wish list
1. Out of Debt
2. Retirement
3. Go on a mission
4. Bigger TV
5. Lose Weight
6. More time
7. a 2 week vacation
8. All my kids to live within 100 miles
Posted by mastubz at 10:57 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Tagged Again!
My niece, Jamie, tagged me. This one is called 8 things about me - in 6 questions.
Here are the rules:
1) Post the rules on your blog.
2) Answer the six "8" items.
3) Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
8 Favorite TV shows (which is difficult, since I have about given up on TV)
1. Amazing Race
2. Grey's Anatomy (I know it is smutty and I am about to give it up)
3. ER (I am a diehard)
4. House
5. Chuck
6. Journeyman - but they cancelled it
7. The Office (but I rarely get to watch it due to the time slot)
8 Things I did yesterday
1. Helped a Young Single Adult in my ward finish her tote bag sewing project.
2. Bought Dannon Smoothies for my sick parents
3. Bought food for pre-birthday celebration on Sunday for Bud/Dad
4. Went to Target with Emily to buy a Wedding shower gift.
5. Went to Wedding Shower for Kersina Miller.
6. Bought a Spice Cream Cheese cake at Sam's
7. Put on my PJ's
8. Babysat Lyon kids while Emily, Aaron and Bud/Dad went to Adult session of Stake Conf. (Emily is new Stake Music Coordinator and she had to lead the music)
8 Things I look forward to
1. Putting on my Pajamas each day - it should be a law that everyone gets to put on PJ's by 4 in the afternoon.
2. Serving a mission with Dad/Bud
3. The first day cold enuf to wear shoes and socks.
4. The first day warm enuf to wear flip flops.
5. Visits to or from my kids and grandkids.
6. My next trip out of the country or a cruise - whenever that will be!
7. Meeting the Savior.
8. Meeting Minnie Levi
8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Does In and Out count as a restaurant?
2. Casa Lupe
3. Applebees - only cuz it is close-by
4. Red Robin
5. Costa Vida
6. Claim Jumper
7. Olive Garden
8. The Oaks in Moline, IL
(we have very limited restaurant pickins in YC)
8 Things on my Wish List
1. Learn to Sail (Rowing used to be here, but I got that wish - thanks!)
2. World Peace
3. Pay off mortgage
4. Pay off kids' mortgages
5. A cruise or travel abroad once per year
6. No lying (this would clear up most of the corruption and immorality in the world)
7. Continued good physical and mental health (to die before my mind or bladder goes)
8. To have a missionary experience
8 People to Tag
1. Andrea
2. Megan
3. Josh
4. Jared
5. Micah
6. Emily
7. Sara Evans
8. Jenni Smith
Posted by mastubz at 6:55 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Been Tagged!
Our photo files are a mess. It was hard to tell which was the fourth file. We need someone to come organize our photo files for us. Anyway - this photo is the closest I could select to fourth photo of fourth file. Besides - I liked it. Brings back such fond memories of our 2002 trip to Ecualand to retrieve Micah from his mission. Bud was so nervous to go, and I told him I would go without him. I think he believed me, so he caved. Micah was the perfect host and personal translator. Every moment of the trip was perfect. Micah wore us out in Manta - taking us to all of his mission contacts. They all fed us and gave us beverages. We told Micah we couldn't handle another glass of watermelon juice, but he told us to "suck it up," cuz he'd been doing it for 2 years and we could surely handle it for one day. Everyone was so gracious.
The photo is a scenic overlook up near Quito. Quito was not in his mission, but we had permission to take him up there to see the sights (Volcano Alley) before his release. Flying into Quito was quite an adventure. We flew out of Guayaquil, and got up to a decent altitude and then landed - no descent! Quito is at 9,400 feet. We tried lots of different foods, and met wonderful people. I regret not being able to pick Josh and Jared up from their missions. I think we should go to Argentina with Josh & Courtney sometime. And we should visit the Philippines/Oklahoma with Jared & Debbie. Let's go!!
I think most everyone who reads my blog has been tagged. If not, then I tag Dennis, Ritchie, Josh, and any blurker out there who reads, and doesn't leave comments.
Posted by mastubz at 4:44 PM 5 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Temple Turkeys, Deer and Teeth
There is a herd/flock of Turkeys that long inhabited the grounds where the Sacramento Temple was built. They continue to have the temple grounds serve as their abode. It is a joy to see them when we go weekly for our shift as Ordinance Workers. One time, Bud had to go back inside, before we left, and the whole flock was exiting from inside the gates at the front entrance. He had to wait for them. There must have been at least 25 turkeys. It was rather comical.
There are also many deer who live near the temple. This week they were feeding just outside the fenced part of the temple grounds - amongst the turkeys. They all seemed to get along well. There was one good sized buck, several doe and some youngish fawns (probably from this spring).
Bye, Bye Invisalign!! Well, not really, but at least the correction portion is done. Dr/Bishop Reading took impressions this week for my permanent retainer for the top, and permanent wire for the bottom. I will have to continue to wear the retainer for a few more weeks - 24/7 and then reduce it to just at night. I opted for an Invisalign Retainer, as I never did get used the the Hawley Retainer (yes, Hawley), when I was completing bottom correction before my refinement treatment (which was almost as long as the first session). Correction has taken a year.
I am pleased with the results, but not totally happy about the continued retention. I guess I didn't think that part through. All in all, it hasn't been too bad, just inconvenient at times. I would never have done it, if I'd have had wires. I could wear the Invisalign and no one noticed. The only inconvenient part was brushing after eating - even if it was just a bite of something! It always hurt the first few days after I put in new aligners (every two weeks), but Tylenol helped. Now I just need my teef whitened.
Posted by mastubz at 1:01 PM 6 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Fat Gal in a Little Boat
Yup - that's me in a little boat! I finally took my basic rowing class - or sculling, which refers to a boat where rowers each have two oars. So in other words - I have both oars in the water. Ha!
The hardest part was getting in and out of the boat. This was the part I dreaded most. I really didn't want to make a spectacle of myself and dump right by the dock. We had to perform a swim check the first evening. Water was cold, but refreshing. My swimming skills are far superior to my rowing skills.
There were four of us in the class - 4 nights for 2 hours. There was so much terminology to learn. I was ready to quit after the second night and switch to kayaking - which is waaaaayyy easier. But I stuck it out and have the bruises and sore muscles to prove it (bruises from oars hitting my stomach, and carrying the boat). There is a ton of finesse to stroking the oars - when to "feather" (blades flat on the surface), when to "catch" (the actual stroke when the blade is squared in the water), how to "check it down" (blades flat in the water after a stroke to stop the boat), and how to "wain-nuff" (stopping and resting with blades flat on the surface of water). There is a whole rowing language all by itself.
It was a fun experience and totally delightful to be out on Lake Natoma - dammed part of American river just before Nimbus Dam. The weather was perfect and the scenery beautiful. Our last evening, we rowed out about 1km upriver and there were geese flying overhead - one landed on the water, just a few yards from me. Sunset was gorgeous. Rowing is an odd sensation, once you learn to use the seat, and roll forward. You have the feeling you are not moving on the water, until you look at the landscape going by. I will definately go out again, but I need someone to go with me, so it will be more fun (Andrea?).
Oh yeah - I came up with lots of spiritual analogies while rowing. You are facing backwards and can't see what is ahead, so you have to select a spot on the horizon to focus on, to keep a straight course. The slightest deviation from that course will put you in harm's way ( buoys, shoals, other boats). And . . . did you know there are traffic lanes on lakes and rivers?
A Big Thank You to all my fam who contributed to my lessons! I like knowing I now have a skill none of you possess-hehe!
Posted by mastubz at 10:39 AM 12 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Meet Roy the Rooster
By special request, I am introducing Roy the Rooster to the world. Some of his friends have asked to be included, as well - they are named after Roy - Royene, Royale, Royette, Roydon and Roymona. Roy holds a special place in our home; he is the heart of the kitchen. As mentioned by Micah, he is the guardian of keys, cell phones, sunglasses and other loose items commonly found about the kitchen. If someone despairs over a lost item, they are told to check with Roy. I must also say, there is no kitsch in my kitchen, nor is there a strand of raffia to be found. There are no rooster potholders, nor rooster dishtowels. Having such items would be an affront to Roy. He reins supreme. Roy is a lovely fellow with luscious plumage. He has never swallowed a shoelace, nor been to a tropical bird vet (see Runyan post July 13th). He did have his cockscomb broken once, but bravely tolerated a hasty repair. I have friends who often inquire as to Roy's well-being. He has made our home his domicile for over 10 years. He is welcome to roost with us for as long as he wishes. Feel free to leave a comment and send Roy your best wishes.
Posted by mastubz at 11:23 PM 9 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I Was Born on A Farm Down In Iow-ay
A Rooty Toot Toot!
Yes, we spent some time in Iowa with Josh and his fam, and we took his saxophone to him, since he's got a big new house now. I suppose he will begin having some weekend band gigs now, rather than moonlighting at country hospitals.
We also spent a day with Bud's dad in Omaha. He is well taken care of, content, and in good health, but life in a nursing home is pretty dismal.
We had a great time, and enjoyed the peaceful life of Iowa. It was semi-muggy the last day we were there - just the reminder we needed for why we live in CA. Bud got out of the shower one morning and said to me before I took my shower, "good luck drying off! I forgot about this part."
We did lots of fun stuff while we were there, and even took a scenic drive to the Bridges of Madison County. The rolling green hills of Iowa are lovely.
Thanks to Josh and Courtney for being such good hosts. And congrats on finishing the long haul of med school and residency. You surely deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labors (ie nice home, big yard, the good life).
Posted by mastubz at 6:01 PM 7 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Proposition 8 in California
Today, I would like to give a big "Shout Out" to Yuba City, specifically Tierra Buena, which truly lived up to it name - Good Earth. We were out walking our neighborhood, as we've been asked, to inform voters about the Protection of Marriage Initiative on the November ballot. We had overwhelming support, as we talked to folks at their doors. It seems that voters are fed up with their votes being negated by a few Supreme Court Justices. It was a pleasant surprise to be so warmly received at the door. The majority of our neighbors thanked us for getting out and knocking on doors. Only a few were undecided, and only one, on Saturday, wouldn't accept our brochure and said she felt as long as folks had a good relationship that was what mattered. We still have several more streets and a few more hours to go, before we are done with our routes.
Last night, Wally Herger, our congressman who is also LDS, spoke at a fireside at our stake center. It was well attended. He gave a good speech, as he talked about the foundations of our great nation. He spoke about the Capitol Building in D.C. and how much of the artwork depicts a nation founded on moral, and Christian principles. He said, as you stand on the congressional floor you have the Ten Commandments displayed behind you, and a painting of Moses with our founding fathers in front of you. Yet, we have Supreme Court Justices removing God and Christian principles from our daily lives.
The California State Supreme Court voted in March, by a margin of 4 to 3, to overturn a law passed in 2000 by 61% of the people which stated, only a marriage between a man and a woman is legal and valid in California. I am enraged that 4 Justices, whom I could not vote for, have overturned a law passed by the majority of the voters in the state. It almost doesn't matter to me what the law is about. I am furious they have the power to invalidate what the voters want.
Those of you who read my blog and are not Californians, take heed, as you will also be soon forced to recognize the marriages performed in California, should those persons move to your state. Many folks are coming from out of state to be married in California. The problem will be on your home turf all too soon.
Congressman Wally Herger said we can't know all the legal ramifications of same sex marriages, but he did speak about some of the statistics in a few European countries which have legalized same sex marriages, since the 90's. For one thing, only 2 % of same sex couples have had marriages performed. That is surprising, but what is more shocking is the number of children born out of wedlock, since the legalization of same sex marriage - 71% !!! And for first time mothers, the number is 80% of children born out of wedlock. To me, that speaks of the demise of marriage and the total breakdown of the traditional family unit.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has asked its members to give of their time and means to support Proposition 8. Facts prove that, all things considered, children do better when they come from a home with both a father and a mother. We owe it to our children to give them our very best effort when we bring them into the world.
Again, I want to applaud Yuba City. I get frustrated at times at our backwardness, or should I say our lack of forwardness. I mean, sheesh, we can't even get an Olive Garden (but we do now have an In and Out Burger). We are a strong, family oriented, conservative community. I was nervous about knocking on doors, but overall, it has been a wonderful, positive experience. I do not envy our Church members who are going door to door in more liberal communities. They will be in our prayers.
Vote Yes on Prop 8!!
Posted by mastubz at 8:53 PM 11 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Veggie Tales
Summer has been busy and crazy, and along with all the busy and crazy our trees and garden continue to produce. There is no scheduling when stuff ripens, so we have to deal with it in the middle of busy and crazy. Since we don't have anything exciting going on right now, my excitement consists making salsa and spaghetti sauce. We planted several varieties of tomatoes this year, to see which we prefer most. Needless to say, we have kept the neighborhood, family and ourselves abundantly supplied. In June, I bottled 9 quarts of plum juice. I made a couple batches of plum syrup, and some jelly - all of which has been given away. The bottled juice will be turned into more jelly and syrup at a convenient time. Our strawberries did well this year, and I have a couple of frozen bags of whole berries in the freezer and made freezer jam. Also not pictured are the blackberries we ate in cobblers and the few bags of frozen berries waiting to be made into cobblers. We only planted one zucchini plant this year, but from that we've had plenty for the table, some for grating and freezing and I put some in the salsa and spaghetti sauce. The salsa ingredients came exclusively from the garden - tomatoes, red onions, green peppers and jalapenos. Jared enjoyed fresh jalapenos on his eggs when they were here in June. This was my first attempt at spaghetti sauce. It was easy, but takes a long time to boil down. The house smells so yummy while it is cooking - imaginings of visiting Tuscany. Fresh spaghetti sauce is almost too good for words. I ate what I couldn't fit into the freezer containers on a piece of bread - Man O' Man! Now you would be really impressed if I told you it was fresh French Bread from the oven, but it would be a falsehood. I haven't done this much canning/freezing for years, and I probably haven't made french bread in even longer or ever! Reminds me of the many years my sister and I would can peaches for an entire day - 96 quarts one time. It was exhausting, but gratifying to see the 'fruits of our labors.'
Tomorrow we are having bacon and tomato sandwiches for dinner. Come on by and we will share. And no - the bacon isn't from our pig. We are city folk!
Posted by mastubz at 9:33 PM 7 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Big Family Photo
Here is a photo of the whole gang in the loft of one of the cabins, and one of Grandma and Grandpa and all the kids. We are soooo blessed!!
Posted by mastubz at 7:30 PM 8 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Ah! The Family Reunion
WOW! We had a great time. Let's do it again next week. Soda Springs is awesome. The cabins were great (except we had to be split apart into two houses). The view fantastic. It was so cool to just walk out the back door and hop in a canoe or kayak! We loved the talent show - Tripps singing, Micah's debut on ukelele with Sarah singing, Runyans making us laugh with funny legs and torsos, Jared and Debbie with the Lyons in their rendition of Cotton Eyed Joe, Josh's family sharing their talents via PowerPoint and popping their surprise on us (Josh you totally lied to me when I asked you earlier). The rocket launch was a hit. You guys are the best.
The food was delicious - thanks everyone for pitching in. The kids were all adorable and well behaved. Looking down on the fireworks display at Donner Lake was totally memorable. First time I have ever been "above" the fireworks - even if watching atop granite boulders at 7600 feet was a bit scary. I am sad it is all over! What will dad and I do for the rest of the summer?? Oh yeah - maybe relax a bit :)
I don't know if I can wait another 2 years
for a reunion. I have an idea - let's do Disneyland next year? Who's up for it?
We sure love all ya'll. You are the best. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for our family. What a team!!
Posted by mastubz at 9:38 PM 6 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Peeps Anyone?
I stumbled upon this blog and thought how I was an unfortunate child to never have enjoyed the pleasure of Peeps - along with Rice Krispie treats. Rice Krispie Treats were not considered a true dessert by my mother. Heaven forbid if someone brought them to a ward dinner, or similar function. Anyhoo . . . while working on my degree in my early 40's, I had one evening course where we sat around and discussed plays we were made to attend. One young woman in the class would eat a whole pkg of peeps during the class (it was springtime). I thought to myself "does she know something I don't know? How can that be, I am much older than she?" I wanted to know what she knew, so I threw caution to the wind and surreptitiously purchased my first pkg of Peeps. Now, I make certain to buy them each season they are available - which is increasing each year. I soon expect to see Shamrock Peeps, Passover Peeps, and maybe even Ramadan Peeps (only consumed after dark).
Enjoy this ode to Peeps.
Posted by mastubz at 11:37 PM 7 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
A Tribute to Dad
I thought it fitting to pay tribute to my great husband. We will celebrate our 37th anniversary in 10 days. We've had plenty of bumps in our road of marriage, but we've had one another to rely on. He is the rock of our family. He's always set a good example, but mostly he has helped us all solve our problems. Families naturally face many obstacles, but with Bud, he helps us work the problem and find the best course to take. I appreciate him more and more with the passing years. I love watching him in his role as grandparent. Yes, he gives the grandkids more drinks of soda than he should, and he isn't always careful about what is on the TV when they are around, but he plays hard with them and they adore him. He has changed many more diapers as a grandparent than he ever did as a parent. He has always honored his priesthood, and been there as our spiritual advisor. I look forward to the coming years, as we have much more to accomplish. He is my best friend and confidant.
Grandpa and Hannah training for circus stunts.
Grandpa and the Father's Day crowd.
Please feel free to add you own comments about the leader of our clan.
Posted by mastubz at 9:50 PM 6 comments