Sunday, September 14, 2008

Meet Roy the Rooster

By special request, I am introducing Roy the Rooster to the world. Some of his friends have asked to be included, as well - they are named after Roy - Royene, Royale, Royette, Roydon and Roymona. Roy holds a special place in our home; he is the heart of the kitchen. As mentioned by Micah, he is the guardian of keys, cell phones, sunglasses and other loose items commonly found about the kitchen. If someone despairs over a lost item, they are told to check with Roy. I must also say, there is no kitsch in my kitchen, nor is there a strand of raffia to be found. There are no rooster potholders, nor rooster dishtowels. Having such items would be an affront to Roy. He reins supreme. Roy is a lovely fellow with luscious plumage. He has never swallowed a shoelace, nor been to a tropical bird vet (see Runyan post July 13th). He did have his cockscomb broken once, but bravely tolerated a hasty repair. I have friends who often inquire as to Roy's well-being. He has made our home his domicile for over 10 years. He is welcome to roost with us for as long as he wishes. Feel free to leave a comment and send Roy your best wishes.

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Shoebox Princess said...

Nice to meet you, Roy! He is a handsome fellow. He looks every inch the keeper of keys and cellphones.

Does the pig-on-a-stick have a name? Or purpose?

meg.. said...

Hello Roy. Good to see you again. ;)

mastubz said...

No Name, No Function Pig. He is a remnant from the days Marylee was giving me pigs, and I was giving her fish. The very large overstuffed calico pig came from that period, as well. As mentioned before - he had to go cuz the little dog was using him for a lavatory (and calico is passe). Little dog is gone too, due to his leg lifting habit.

Jessie said...

Ok, ok - Roy IS awesome. And since your kitchen is not "kitsch-y" and there's no raffia around... it is all a-o-k. I do apologize if I hurt your feelings or Roy's. :)

mastubz said...

You didn't hurt my feelings - I was just messin with ya :)
Just had to give Roy some attention! He truly is a joke around here.

Jared and Debbie said...

thanks for not mentioning that I may or may not have had a little part in that cockscomb breaking incident. :) glad he made it through! love to you guys...and to Roy. :)

emaalyon said...

Not really any gingham in the kitchen either, so it's not too roostery overload.

Jenni said...

Here's a big southern greeting to all y'all. That should cover all the roosters. He is rather nice. I'd keep him around. A few years ago, there was a rooster in our neighborhood and everyone was up in arms about it. They got rid of it! I was upset. However they let the ugly ducks and alligators roam free.

Dennis said...

I had no idea Roy was so important in your home. Had I known I would have paid great homage to him on my last visit. I shant ignor him again.