Sunday, September 7, 2008

I Was Born on A Farm Down In Iow-ay

I was born on a farm down in Ioway

A Flamin youth, so I had to have my way.

I packed my bags and I took my Saxophone, phone

A Rooty Toot Toot!

Yes, we spent some time in Iowa with Josh and his fam, and we took his saxophone to him, since he's got a big new house now. I suppose he will begin having some weekend band gigs now, rather than moonlighting at country hospitals.

We also spent a day with Bud's dad in Omaha. He is well taken care of, content, and in good health, but life in a nursing home is pretty dismal.

We had a great time, and enjoyed the peaceful life of Iowa. It was semi-muggy the last day we were there - just the reminder we needed for why we live in CA. Bud got out of the shower one morning and said to me before I took my shower, "good luck drying off! I forgot about this part."

We did lots of fun stuff while we were there, and even took a scenic drive to the Bridges of Madison County. The rolling green hills of Iowa are lovely.

Thanks to Josh and Courtney for being such good hosts. And congrats on finishing the long haul of med school and residency. You surely deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labors (ie nice home, big yard, the good life).


Debbie said...

Is that a song? I've never heard it before but it made me laugh out loud!! :) And if it is a'll for sure have to sing it for me some time. :) Meanwhile, we couldn't dry off after showers in NC either...thankfully we've had a little better luck here in the "upstate." :) Glad it was so much fun!

mastubz said...

Yup - it's a song. We sing it for Emily all time, since she was born in Iowa. It should be all of Josh's kids theme song.

mastubz said...

Fun times! It is pretty there, but yeah I don't know if I could do muggy either. We'll have to take a family trip out there sometime.

mastubz said...

Fun times! It is pretty there, but yeah I don't know if I could do muggy either. We'll have to take a family trip out there sometime.

mastubz said...

oh yeah this is Emily! haha

Dennis said...

I'll take the midwest any day over the fruitcakes in CA. It's only muggy for a few days (well maybe 30 or so) but Iowa is much worse than MN. Plus our winters are an adventure and they keep out the riff-raff. At least the temp rarely ever goes over 95 and there's alway air conditioning to make drying off easier.

Pyatt said...

Looks like you guys had fun. I'm glad you got to see parents said the same thing about the nursing facility...ARG...It's a great picture of him though.