Monday, October 20, 2008

Dad/Bud's 8

I had to twist the guy's arm to give me some answers. I didn't twist too hard, since it was his birthday. I will forego the rules, since he refused to tag anyone else - "I don't have a blog, so why should I tag people."

8 favorite TV shows
1. Monday Night Football
2. Thursday Night Football
3. Friday Night Football
4. Saturday College Football
5. Amazing Race
7. Quantum Leap
8. Jag

8 Things I did yesterday
1. Showered
2. Shaved
3. Dressed
4. Read the paper
5. Ate
6. Went to Stake Conference and wrestled with the redheads.
7. Had dinner with Lyons and Runyans
8. Blew out candles on my cake

8 Things I look forward to
1. Taking off my shoes
2. A vacation
3. Going to bed
4. Working in the temple
5. Going on a mission
6. Spring
7. Fall
8. Next Family Reunion

8 Favorite Restaurants
Red Robin
Costa Vida
Casa Lupe
In & Out
Claim Jumper
Marie Callendar's
El Torito

8 Things on my wish list

1. Out of Debt
2. Retirement
3. Go on a mission
4. Bigger TV
5. Lose Weight
6. More time
7. a 2 week vacation
8. All my kids to live within 100 miles


emaalyon said...

I like Dad's top 8's. Pretty sad we don't have real restaurant choices here in Juba City Vich. Let me know how you spell that by the way.