Sunday, November 2, 2008

YC Sikh Parade

Yes, it was time for the annual Sikh Parade in Yubaville. It is nothing like it was when we first moved here. The parade route is longer - from their temple on Tierra Buena Road, down to the stake center, around Civic Center and back to their temple. The influx of out of town Sikhs is huge - 80,000 attendees! The parade brings in millions in revenues from all the additional people. The parade route is lined with Ben Toilets, food vendors, and other vendors of Indian trinkets. It takes some maneuvering to get to the church from our home.
I am somewhat saddened by the many changes the local Sikh people have undergone, since we have lived here. I believe it is indicative of what we, as a people, face daily from the onslaught of worldly values. The Sikhs in our community used to adhere closely to their religion and family values. Now we see them embracing western ways. Very few Sikh men in our area continue to wear the turban. I would say only those men and women over 50 continue with the traditional dress. Of course, today at the parade, traditional dress was resplendently abundant. I think their culture in our society is falling prey to moral relativism - they are losing their family values, and religious values as they embrace western ways. Maybe I am feeling so strongly about this as we approach the vote on Prop 8, and the vote on who will lead our country for the next four years. Will Californians, and all Americans cave to what the minority deems is right? Have we become too afraid to stand for morality and integrity? Enough of my soapbox - here is a taste of the parade. It was a good excuse to cut out of Sunday School class :)
I apologize for video quality. We used our regular digital camera.


stubz said...

Awww, makes me miss good ole Yuba City.

Dennis said...

I read where Steve Young and his wife were going to vot no on prop 8. They supposedly even had a vote no sign in their yard. Their justification was that they did not want to be discriminatory (can a person be excommunicated based on how they vote? - just kidding). I hope the article I read on Deseret was in error.

stubz said...

I had to look up the Steve Young rumor. It is more his wife that is anti 8. She has a gay brother and has even donated $50,000 to the no campaign. After listening to elder packer Sunday it sounded more like a prophetic commandment to vote to protect marriage. I guess keeping the sabbath is optional for famous mormons anyway.

Not my place to judge but interesting. I'm just glad I'm not famous.

mastubz said...

From what I read, it seems it is Steve Young's wife who has the gay brother and is supporting the opposition. Steve has made no statements of support. I think many will find themselves on the wrong side of Church leadership in this issue - not unlike the days in Kirtland or Nauvoo. It was those who opposed Church leadership who brought about much of the heartache. And, as we know, the Church continued to thrive without the dissenters. Jeff Kent kicked in $15,000 for prop 8!