Saturday, October 11, 2008

Temple Turkeys, Deer and Teeth

There is a herd/flock of Turkeys that long inhabited the grounds where the Sacramento Temple was built. They continue to have the temple grounds serve as their abode. It is a joy to see them when we go weekly for our shift as Ordinance Workers. One time, Bud had to go back inside, before we left, and the whole flock was exiting from inside the gates at the front entrance. He had to wait for them. There must have been at least 25 turkeys. It was rather comical.

There are also many deer who live near the temple. This week they were feeding just outside the fenced part of the temple grounds - amongst the turkeys. They all seemed to get along well. There was one good sized buck, several doe and some youngish fawns (probably from this spring).

Bye, Bye Invisalign!! Well, not really, but at least the correction portion is done. Dr/Bishop Reading took impressions this week for my permanent retainer for the top, and permanent wire for the bottom. I will have to continue to wear the retainer for a few more weeks - 24/7 and then reduce it to just at night. I opted for an Invisalign Retainer, as I never did get used the the Hawley Retainer (yes, Hawley), when I was completing bottom correction before my refinement treatment (which was almost as long as the first session). Correction has taken a year.
I am pleased with the results, but not totally happy about the continued retention. I guess I didn't think that part through. All in all, it hasn't been too bad, just inconvenient at times. I would never have done it, if I'd have had wires. I could wear the Invisalign and no one noticed. The only inconvenient part was brushing after eating - even if it was just a bite of something! It always hurt the first few days after I put in new aligners (every two weeks), but Tylenol helped. Now I just need my teef whitened.

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mastubz said...

I looked it up and a group of turkeys is called a "rafter". In this instance I believe I would prefer a "company of turkeys"

mastubz said...

Aw, pretty teef. (Emily here) I like the turkeys on temple grounds too. And the YC ones that finally crossed the road from Carl's Jr to get to Goodwill, or maybe for some donuts and a movie.

Rearun said...

I hope the turkeys are doing ok. Thursday night, when I was driving down the hill from the Mormon Center, I saw a cute little coyote run across the road. Hooray for your straight teeth!

meg.. said...

Teeth look good. Glad you're finally done with the correction.
We've got plenty of deer here, but no turkeys. cool.

Jared and Debbie said...

I like the turkeys and deer at the temple. They just seem to fit. :) Congrats on being through the straightening. I think they look really nice.

Robyn said...

Your teeth are so great! I'm glad you gave my mom the inspiration to do Invisaline too!