Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Tribute to Dad

I thought it fitting to pay tribute to my great husband. We will celebrate our 37th anniversary in 10 days. We've had plenty of bumps in our road of marriage, but we've had one another to rely on. He is the rock of our family. He's always set a good example, but mostly he has helped us all solve our problems. Families naturally face many obstacles, but with Bud, he helps us work the problem and find the best course to take. I appreciate him more and more with the passing years. I love watching him in his role as grandparent. Yes, he gives the grandkids more drinks of soda than he should, and he isn't always careful about what is on the TV when they are around, but he plays hard with them and they adore him. He has changed many more diapers as a grandparent than he ever did as a parent. He has always honored his priesthood, and been there as our spiritual advisor. I look forward to the coming years, as we have much more to accomplish. He is my best friend and confidant.

Grandpa and Hannah training for circus stunts.

Grandpa and the Father's Day crowd.
Please feel free to add you own comments about the leader of our clan.

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emaalyon said...

Fun times. That looks like a lot of kids but then I think of how many there will be in a few weeks. MAN...a lot of kids. We do have a great dad who does so much for all of us. He has really helped us especially these past months with watching kids, driving me to appointments, helping you rearrange/reorganize my house, setting me up with electronics and things so I haven't felt so isolated on bedrest. Any many many more things. The great thing too is that I haven't heard him complain at all about evreything that I've needed him for in these past months. I love and appreciate him greatly.

Pyatt said...

I've always loved my Uncle Bud!! Even though we haven't seen you guys a whole lot. You have always been so good to me...when I graduated from high school, left on my mission and it meant so much to me to have you both there for my wedding!! Thank you!

Jenni said...

We always had such a fun time on our trips to California. Uncle Bud could always be relied on to make the party more fun. He provided cannon balls off the diving board. He would go out in the ocean with us and hold the raft while we got in, then let us ride the wave to shore. He was always happy. He worked hard. Oh, and I loved to see the pools he was designing. I would fantasize about designing my own pool and using the stamps to put bushes where I wanted them to go (those stamps intrigued me). Here we live in Florida and we STILL don't have a pool. Thanks, Uncle Bud for great memories and being a great example to me.

Rearun said...

Dad is the best. Like Jenny, I have fun memories of rough housing with dad. I was proud that my dad was the cool dad who wasn't afraid to get down on the ground to play with all the cousins. Of course, I'm sure his football background helped. Mostly, I appreciate his sound counsel and his steady influence in my life. He is a rock.

Rearun said...

I meant to say Jenni in my last comment, not Jenny.

stubz said...

sorry for the delay. I usually just read blogs in my reader so I don't leave many comments. I think dad did less rough housing by the time I came around but I always appreciated his involvement with sports. He pushed me just the right amount and although I was never a start or anything I am comfortable with my athletic abilities because of my childhood.

He is a great example of faith and service. I appreciate what I was taught as a child through his example and strength.