Thursday, June 26, 2008

Peeps Anyone?

I stumbled upon this blog and thought how I was an unfortunate child to never have enjoyed the pleasure of Peeps - along with Rice Krispie treats. Rice Krispie Treats were not considered a true dessert by my mother. Heaven forbid if someone brought them to a ward dinner, or similar function. Anyhoo . . . while working on my degree in my early 40's, I had one evening course where we sat around and discussed plays we were made to attend. One young woman in the class would eat a whole pkg of peeps during the class (it was springtime). I thought to myself "does she know something I don't know? How can that be, I am much older than she?" I wanted to know what she knew, so I threw caution to the wind and surreptitiously purchased my first pkg of Peeps. Now, I make certain to buy them each season they are available - which is increasing each year. I soon expect to see Shamrock Peeps, Passover Peeps, and maybe even Ramadan Peeps (only consumed after dark).
Enjoy this ode to Peeps.


Dennis said...

I don't think I've ever eaten a peeps but I will most likely think of Book of Mormon stories in a different light. And I still don't like Rice Krispie treats. Rice Krispies, yes. Marshmallows, yes but not mixed together thanks to mom.

emaalyon said...

I like it a lot. I want to show everyone I know! I think I might start teaching my kids the scriptures with peeps. Maybe they'll actually pay attention to Family Home Evening.

Pyatt said...

So funny! ANd I love peeps...I open the package and leave it open a couple of days...Dave thinks I'm sick...:)

Shoebox Princess said...

LOVED that website!

Ditto what Emily said. Even my teenagers would listen if I used peeps as visual aids! And then we could eat them for the treat.

I want to go on record as saying that I LOVE RICE KRISPIE TREATS.

mastubz said...

Micah made me make Rice Krispie treats when he was in high school. I was sad I had missed out for a lifetime. They are best warm - right out of the pan. Your dad probably hasn't even tried them. I even buy the huge box of pre-made ones at Sam's Club to feed to my grandkids.

Dennis said...

Yes, I have eaten Rice Krispy Treats. Jessie used to buy them for her lunch (she refused to buy school lunches) and I would, in desperation, eat an occassional treat. But Mom scarred me for life by instilling a predjudice in me that Rice Krispy Treats were for lazy people or something like that. I just have a mental block against them not a taste block. As for peeps I have no particular dislike for them I just choose not to buy them. I prefer Rollo's or sometimes Good 'N Plenty but the best treat is Bryers mint chocolate chip ice cream.

stubz said...

you had a post about the reunion up for a second and now it is gone! I wanted to see the pictures.