Sunday, September 30, 2007

The first few days with Invisalign was a real challenge. My teeth hurt with initial movement, and I felt badly that I probably wasn't as sympathetic with my children who wore braces. Sorry! I had to resort to getting acrylic nails put on, as my nails were short and became bruised under the nail bed in my efforts to remove the trays. The new nails helped, and now I can remove the trays quite easily. Then the next few days by evening time I was ready to scream out with tooth claustrophobia. My teef just felt like they needed to breathe and break free. Now that I am in my second week, I am adjusting. No between meal snacking, unless I want to remove the trays, and brush. I had to get sensitive tooth paste, cuz my mouth was raw from constant brushing. So . . . I survived, and now I will just have to repeat the tooth pain, when I get my new set of trays on Thurs.
I spoke in Church today, and am glad it is over. I should be good for another couple years. Spoke on "by their fruits, ye shall know them." Don't know if my talk inspired anyone else, but I felt some nice spiritual feelings in the preparation of the talk. It was a good week for those feelings. I shared with all of you the tender mercies of the Lord in helping me find Jason. I just had a long conversation with his mom, Joyce, and we plan to meet in Sac when I take Grandpa next week for some skin cancer treatment. She was wonderful to talk to and harbors no ill will towards anyone in the family. Lots of things were cleared up for me. Jason is in Uncle Denny's stake, and Denny will be calling him.
Joyce is a labor and delivery nurse at Sutter Memorial Hospital. She has been alone for 21 years. She has had a difficult life, but rose above the challenges and made a life for herself and her children.
Talking to her helped fill a hole I have always felt in my life.
Jared, Deb & Kids arrive tomorrow, and we are looking forward to some fun times - a trip to the Pumpkin Patch, and Marine World. I will post some photos real soon


J and C said...

Maybe I should try invisalign to help me lose weight. Tooth clausterphobia may be enough to turn me off to the idea. Keep up the posts.