Saturday, April 5, 2008

Farewell Dacia

It is time for Dacia to return to Iowa. We've had many adventures with her. Some fun, some interesting and some - well let's just say she loves to chew. Her latest task is to rip off the fence boards and escape. Not to give her all the credit, but Weezer gets her worked up, and feeds her information on how to escape the yard. Josh and his family made the trek from Iowa to fetch Dacia. She was so glad to see them and surely will enjoy a more youthful home life. We had a great visit with the grandkids. The Runyans came up for a day, and played with their cousins. Grandpa took the whole gang, including the Lyons, to our new McDonalds. Someone asked if they were all his grandchildren, and he said "yes," but this was only half of them!!


stubz said...

I bet she'll miss Weezer...Not. She'll love having kids to play with.

stubz said...

Malicious site.

No one click on the link in the comment above. I looked it up and this is what I found.

This site redirects the user to site which distributes rogue securoty applciation.

This site also shares its ip with and These sites are also involved in the same scam.

Stay away from this site...

mastubz said...

I deleted the malicious site. It also showed up on a previous post, and I clicked on it. Dad had a heck of a time getting rid of it. Is there a way to block it permanently?

stubz said...

you can change your settings in blogger under comments. You can put yes for word verification which should help.