Monday, May 3, 2010

Caleb's Blessing Day - G'Baby #26

Yesterday was Caleb Ephraim Stubblefield's Blessing Day. He was very cooperative. Jared and Debbie are the proud parents and Ben & Hannah the proud siblings. The Runyan's came up from Folsom, the Lyon's were there, as well as Caleb's Great Grandparents, Pierce and Isabelle Hawley. Grandpa Hawley was quite pleased to be able to participate. A sister in Jared's ward got all teared up when Bud helped Grandpa up to the front, and Emily overheard her say "how sweet."
Not many babies get to have their almost 90 yr old grandpa stand in the circle. We had a fun potluck at our house afterward. It is always fun to watch the cousins interact and enjoy one another. The Runyan kids are always amazingly sweet to their littler cousins. Check out how tall Sam is!! He's in the back between Aaron and Jared. His voice is changing too.
It was a wonderful day. I'm so grateful for my family and I miss the ones who live so far away.


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Pyatt said...

How do you keep all their birthdays straight? I saw Andrea at Women's conference and was so sad I didn't get to visit with her longer...