Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Days/Los Alamos

Unlike many we know, Snow Days in California consist of rummaging through the garage for old snow gear, collecting beat up sleds, maybe even wrapping your feet in baggies and then putting on your shoes, then heading for the mountains for a few hours in the snow. We "go" to the snow, rather than it coming, and coming, and coming to us. Chili and Hot Chocolate are usually involved at some point, as well. We spent an afternoon at LaPorte with the Lyons - kind of a preview day for the upcoming Church Mutual activity. The kids had a great time.
Then last weekend we traveled to Los Alamos, NM to visit the Tripps. They live in one of those places where the snow comes to them! On Saturday, we spent an hour or so sledding at a local park with a nice little hill. It was great fun! The one nice thing about living close to the snow, or in it, is once you are cold, you hop in the car and drive a few blocks home. Where we live, there are winding roads involved - but oh the views!
We reminisced about the "K-Mart Hill" that was behind our house when we lived in Iowa many years ago. I think it was more of a ditch than a hill, but our kids sure had lots of fun there with their sleds.
We sure enjoyed our weekend at the Tripps. When we visit our family across the country, we usually like to see at least one thing of interest in their locale. I recently read about these statues placed by the Daughters of the American Revolution, across the USA. They were done in the late 1920's and are mostly along the old route 66 and I-40 and are intended to pay tribute to the pioneer women who sacrificed so much to settle the west. There are 12 Madonna of the Trail statues from Bethesda, Maryland to Upland, California. This one is in downtown Albuquerque, so we stopped to see it on our way to the airport.


Dennis said...

We have only had one snow day this season. In MN we are prepared for this stuff and have the plows to prove it. Driving a school bus in the snow when your windshield wipers cake up with ice is a challenge. We have six ft piles in our front yard. Fortunately I don't have to shovel it. It gets done for me.

stubz said...

fun times. I prefer visiting the snow.