Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, Shmicah!

My birthday wish to Micah - keeper of all the family videos! Since he has custody of the videos, I couldn't get one of him for embarrassment. But I did find this gem of a photo. Too cool for words. Leave Micah a birthday wish. I hope he still has the knit pants!  

And I did find this little snippet of Micah with Big Bertha out at Southridge.

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Becca said...

Happy Birthday Micah! Do you still do any magic tricks? Love the threads.

Micah said...

Those knit bell bottoms stopped fitting long ago. I no longer own any of those clothes.

No magic tricks either. I'm pretty dull these days.

mastubz said...

But you can do cartwheels!

emaalyon said...

You're not dull Micah. You can do all sorts of cool stuff. =) I Like the pants! And can you still hit a golf ball?