Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fat Tuesday - or I am such a dork!

I knew the missionaries were on the calendar for the day before Fat Tuesday. So I woke up Monday and thought "Man, I have to make a King Cake and Jambalaya for the Elders" We started the tradition of having a King Cake on Fat Tuesday a couple of years ago. We hide a little plastic baby in the cake and whoever gets the piece with the baby inside has good luck for the coming year, and also gets to host the next King Cake Party. Never having made Jambalaya, I wanted to give it a try this year (I even peeled and de-turded fresh shrimp).
I spent all afternoon in the kitchen, invited the Lyons over to enjoy the feast and waited for the Elders to show up. No Elders! Then I went online to read more about Mardi Gras, and low and behold - looked at the calendar and realized I was a week early! Sheesh. We had a good meal, enjoyed the cake, and we all snickered at my senior moment. The leftover jambalaya is in the freezer for next Monday when the missionaries are really supposed to come, and I will make a new batch of dirty rice and a new King Cake - maybe.
Brechin was the recipient of the baby in the cake. He can have next year's party. I will come!


meg.. said...

You had me worried there for a sec. I was planning on making a king cake for the kiddos for Fat Tuesday. Thank goodness I haven't missed it! lol

stubz said...

every tuesday is fat tuesday for me.